Amazon - Part Two

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Amazon - Part Two

Post by Luckycat »


By Luckycat

Chapter Two – Lost

That night, Luna made a bed of soft dried leaves for them to sleep on. Cody and Bea were exhausted from the forced long march of trying to catch the boat, and the frightening near-battle with the huge python. They both had fallen deeply asleep within moments of lying down.

The next morning, Cody awakened before sunrise to hear the sounds of birds twittering and the occasional soft tick of raindrops as they struck the leaves high above in the jungle canopy. The morning air was cool, and smelled of wildflowers and eucalyptus trees.

As she became more fully awake, she realized that during the night she had curled up comfortably against the warm body of Luna, her head resting on her chest. The tall Amazon’s arm was beneath her back and wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly.
Cody knew that if she attempted to extricate herself—which considering Luna’s strength, she doubted was even possible—she would only awaken her. She raised her head to see Bea sound asleep on Luna’s other side, curled up and facing away.

Cody smiled and put her head back down. She studied the huntress’s beautiful face, and watched the nipples of her breasts as they rose and fell in time with her breathing. Lifting one leg, she slid it over Luna’s thighs and snuggled close against her for warmth and protection.

Something tugged at her ankle. She turned to see that a rope had been fastened around it with what looked to be a very complex knot. Slowly lifting her leg she saw that the other end was likewise fastened around Luna’s.
For a single instant Cody’s quick temper flared. Then her lips spread into a slow smile. She shook her head. “Very funny snake-killer!” She whispered.

Cody of course, had slept with many other women. But they had been shy, submissive women whom she had first seduced and then taken forcibly into her bed. She had always been the aggressor, sometimes keeping her lovers tightly bound for hours, teasing them mercilessly with unquenchable arousal before finally forcing them to meet her demands for sexual pleasure and dominance.

Now for the first time in her life she understood what her lovers must have felt; this feeling of complete helplessness and sublime erotic frustration at the hands of an invincible, strong woman, one who could use her for any purpose she wished.
Cody found her situation frustrating and ironic, but also, she felt child-like and safe in Luna’s arms, where she was protected from the horrors of the jungle.
‘I think maybe I could get used to this.’ Cody mused to herself.
Snuggling closer to Luna, in two minutes she had fallen back asleep.


They had been walking all morning when Luna announced that it was time to eat. She left them sitting in the shade of magnificent acacia tree while she went off to find some wild vegetables. She told them that vegetables would go well with their second meal of cooked snake.

Cody had asked Luna several times about their direction and when they might expect to arrive at her village. But Luna had seemed almost annoyed by her questions and would only repeat the same monosyllabic response; soon!”

Bea sat watching gloomily as Cody built a fire of dried sticks. “Cody…I think we need to talk. Something’s wrong.”
Cody turned. “What Beanie? Miss not wearing shoes?”
Bea smiled and shook her head. She looked carefully around to make sure that the tall Amazon was still gone from sight. “I think that Luna’s been leading us in circles.”
“Yeah.” Bea said nodding. “Not exactly on the same paths, but on ones that are close to each other. This morning I saw this strange looking rock; I remembered it because it looked like a fat elephant. Then an hour or so later I saw it again, but this time from a different side. But I’m absolutely sure it was the same rock!”

Cody poked at the fire, her expression unreadable. “You’re right Beanie, I’ve been aware of the fact for several hours.”
“What?” Bea asked.
Cody nodded. “She’s been leading us on a wild goose chase ever since we got up this morning.”
“But—why on earth would she do that? I like Luna. She saved our lives.”
“Inadvertently maybe, but remember, she’s a huntress. Her job was to kill the snake first, saving us was only incidental to her mission.”

Bea shook her head emphatically. “No Cody! Look, consider the timing. She waited until the last possible second to kill the snake with her arrow. I think that if the snake had ignored us and simply moved on, Luna would have just remained hidden and waited for us to pass before pursuing it. No, she intentionally stepped out just in time to save our lives.”
“I hope that you’re right Bea, because I happen I like her too.” Cody smiled and lowered her head. “But is a slightly—different—way that you like her.”

“Shit! Cody. You didn’t—not last night¾not with a dead snake—”
Cody held up a hand silencing her. “Relax. I didn’t have sex with her.”
Bea breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “Sorry, I guess I jumped to conclusions. It’s just that when I woke up, you two looked—well—pretty chummy.”

Cody smiled softly, recalling the warmth and feel of Luna’s strong body lying beside hers. Even more, she remembered the terrible erotic frustration she had felt. Cody could never recall a time when she had so desperately wanted to have sex with a woman. The frustration she had felt that morning was acute…divine.

“It’s okay Beanie, I really do like her, you know; in that way. And I would gladly have had sex with her, if one: I’d known for sure that she was a lesbian, and two: that she hadn’t been sound asleep.” Cody winked.
“And three:” Bea continued. “You weren’t a man with such foolish straw-colored hair!”

Cody laughed despite herself. “The question I’ve been considering all morning is—why? Why would she intentionally fool us like this? And the only answer I can come up with is that’s she’s trying to hide the exact location of her village.”
Bea considered this for a moment then nodded her head. “Maybe—possibly. Yes, that makes sense. If her tribe is as isolated and unknown as you say it is, then maybe they want to remain that way.”
“Exactly my thought.” Cody’s voice grew quiet, and there was a hint of sadness in her voice. “She’s probably just making sure that we can never find her again.”

“Do you have any idea where we are?”
Cody shook her head. “Not really. The damned compass seems to be completely useless the higher we climb into the mountains. Sometimes it points directly north, and then a few steps later it swings and points to the south.”
“Is it broken?”
“I don’t think so. I think that there’s some sort of iron, or magnetic mineral in the rocks or ground that keep fooling it.”
“Don’t tell me that you think that Luna planned that too?” Bea said.
Cody smiled. “I doubt if she even knows what a compass is.”
“Well maybe not,” Bea said. “But Luna’s not stupid!”
“I never said that she was stupid Beanie!” Cody said heatedly. “In fact, quite the contrary, I think that she’s very intelligent—and brave! I would never in a thousand years consider hunting down a reticulated python with only a bow and arrow! That’s not the act of a stupid person, it’s the act of someone who is immensely skilled, and supremely confident in their own abilities.”

“Jeez Cody, you really do like her!”
Cody glared angrily at Bea for moment, then she relaxed and poked at the fire again. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“What Beanie?”
“If you could never find Luna again, would you be terribly upset?”

Cody stopped poking at the fire and turned to meet her friend’s eyes. She spoke calmly. “Not just upset Beanie, I think it would kill me.”


During the course of their afternoon hike the topography changed markedly. They traveled steadily uphill for several hours on a well-trodden winding path that snaked in and out amongst the tall tropical forest trees.
At times, the jungle became so dark that Cody had to squint to be able to follow the lithe form of Luna as she set a steady fast pace in front of her and Bea.

Luna halted from time to time to allow her companions to rest beside the numerous streams they encountered where they would sit and sip the clear, cold water. Cody, and especially Bea, were becoming exhausted. Sweat rained from both their bodies, and Bea seemed to be having some difficulty breathing in the rare, high altitude air.
Luna however, showed absolutely no sign of fatigue whatsoever. Cody marveled at her apparently limitless strength and incredible stamina.

Without being asked, Luna knelt and massaged Bea’s feet each time they stopped to rest. Bea quickly became spoiled, and began to eagerly anticipate each pause in their journey. Luna never complained however, and in fact seemed to enjoy the task as much as Bea. However, whenever she attempted to touch Cody’s feet, the small blonde woman had quickly stood and moved away.

Once, wearing an injured smile, Luna asked, “Do you not like my touch?”
Cody met her eyes. “The problem Luna, is that I like it far to much.”
Luna said angrily, “You tiny woman, are as stubborn as the wild llamas we use to carry our food! You enjoy the feel of my fingers on the soles of you feet, yet you refuse to let me touch you!”

Cody had turned her back and folded her arms. “I told you, it makes me feel too good! I’m not—like other women Luna, your touch—frustrates me! When you touch my feet, I—I want more, touching just isn’t enough.”
Luna grabbed Cody and spun her around. “And do you not think that it hurts me as well? I cannot explain it, but I want to touch your small feet and taste your toes more than any other women in my village!”

Cody turned and smiled uncertainly. “Really?”
Luna moved close to Cody and grabbed her arms so tightly that Cody thought they might break. “Last night when we lay so together close, I could feel your heart beating against mine, and I wished that you would move your body on top of mine so that we could have laughter together.”
“But…why didn’t you say something?”
“Words do not speak! Actions speak!” Luna said angrily.
Luna pushed Cody roughly away. “Perhaps you will meet another woman in my village that you will find more beautiful!” Then she turned on her heel and strode off waving her hand for them to follow.

“What did she say?” Bea said. “She looks really pissed!”
Cody turned and smiled at Bea with greater happiness that her friend had ever seen on her face. “She said that she likes me too!”


At around four o’clock they neared Luna’s village. The sky had turned a somber gray and the rain had increased to become a miserable shower-like spray. The village was situated high in the mountains, far above the jungle. The last several miles had been along a narrow winding path cut sharply into one side of a steep mountain, and as they advanced it became increasingly precipitous.

Cody ventured one look over the side to see an almost straight drop to the jungle five hundred feet below. She turned to look at Bea who was walking nervously behind her pale and frightened, her left hand dragging along the rock face beside her. Cody, terrified of heights, never ventured another look downwards, focusing instead on the slim form of Luna as she walked unconcernedly ahead.

At one point the path widened somewhat where it cut back into the mountain. Here, Luna halted and fell to one knee and began to search through her leather sack. Removing several lengths of rope, she stood and met Cody’s eyes.
“My village lies just ahead. I am sorry Cody woman, but I must bind you and the Bean-woman before we enter.”
Cody stared angrily at the rope. “Bind us? Why?”
“It is our law. All captives must be tightly bound. It is for the safety of all.”

“What did she say?” Asked Bea.
Cody turned to her slender witty friend, who now more resembled an exhausted drowned rat than a pretty biologist.
Cody snorted. “Luna thinks that she’s going to tie us up.”
“Well, I think that’s a pretty smart idea.” Said Bea.
Cody wrinkled her nose. “What?”
“Sure. We’re a pretty dangerous pair. I don’t blame her.”
Cody laughed despite herself.
“What did the Bean-woman say?” Luna asked.
“She says her feet hurt.”

Moving past Cody, Luna lifted Bea’s long French braid and made a single loop of rope around her long neck. After tying a knot in the front, she passed the rope down between her legs. Then crossing Bea’s wrists behind her back, tied the rope to them and knotted it loosely.
Bea looked completely miserable.

Luna moved to Cody and held out another rope.
“Is this really necessary?” Cody said angrily. “We’re no threat to you!”
Luna nodded. “I know this, but my people do not.”
Cody blew out a disgusted breath. “Very well!” She said at last, and raising her head, presented her neck to Luna to be bound.

But instead of making a single loop of rope around her neck as she had Bea’s, Luna made five around Cody’s. Then after binding her wrists, pulled the rope very snug and knotted it tightly.

Cody tugged on her bonds, testing them. I only took a moment to realize that there would be escape.
“Hey!” Protested Cody. “Bea got off easy, why are my ropes so tight?”
Luna smiled and winked. “Because you are so sneaky!”

Cody knew that she should be angry with Luna, but strangely, she wasn’t. For some reason, the beautiful Amazon woman had singled her out for her jokes and special attention. Cody loved it.

After tying another short rope to Cody’s neck, Luna tugged on it lightly.
“Come. My village is close, and you will not stay bound for long. When all see that you are my captives and belong to me, they will not harm you.”

Easily carrying both women’s heavy backpacks with one hand, Luna led Cody forward by her neck rope. Bea rolled her eyes, and then trailed behind.

As they rounded a turn in the path, Cody drew up to see something that looked like a tall ladder standing upright before them and blocking their way.
Luna turned and spoke. “It is our bridge. The village women already know that we approach. It will be lowered so that we may cross.”

Even as she spoke, the long wooden bridge began to descend. Cody’s eyes followed the ropes attached to the top of the device to see that they descended down to disappear into a two small holes in the ground across from them.
As the bridge settled down into place, they looked across to see a gigantic woman armed with a bow moved out from among the shadows. Standing to one side of the bridge, she watched them intently.

Without looking back, Luna stepped casually across the bridge pulling the two bound women behind her. Cody stared down at the rough wooden planks and turned to look back at Bea with fear in her eyes. Bea nodded to her encouragingly.
Cody took a deep breath and walked quickly across the giddy bridge never daring to look down.

When all three stood together on the other side they heard the sound of ropes on a windlass. Glancing back, they saw that the bridge was again being raised.
For good or evil, they knew that they were now completely cut-off from home.


The woman who had been guarding the bridge stepped forward boldly. She regarded Cody and Bea with great interest, and apparently some amusement before turning to tenderly embrace Luna.
Cody watched jealously.

The woman’s black hair was cut in the same Cleopatra style, and astoundingly, she was even taller than Luna, and considerably more powerful. Like Luna, she had the same high cheekbones and soft brown eyes. And also like Luna, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

The woman bent her neck to kiss the top of Luna’s head affectionately.
Obviously embarrassed, Luna stood with her arms pressed tightly at her sides, patiently waiting for the woman to cease her display of fondness.

After the kisses had at last ceased, Luna stood on her tiptoes and lifted her lips to the woman’s ear.
With raised eyebrows, the taller woman listened intently for several minutes, occasionally grinning over at the two strangers with amazement. At last, Luna turned and waved her hand, indicating that they were to approach.

“This is Seena, she is my friend, and the most powerful warrior in our village.”
Cody forced a smile. “I am called Cody, and this,” She nodded beside her. “Is my friend Bea, Luna calls her the ‘bean-woman’. We’re thankful to be here, and happy to meet you Seena.”

Cody’s eyes fell upon the tarka that Seena wore around her neck. Like Luna’s, it was made of solid gold and also depicted the soles of a woman’s feet. It differed however in two respects: the markings—which Cody was now doubly certain were Mayan—and the fact that the toes of the feet pointed downwards.

The powerful woman nodded while still continuing to hug Luna with one arm. “You are welcome here tiny captives.” She smiled and looked at Luna questioningly. “Is the one who speaks a woman?”
“Yes, I’m a woman.” Cody said patiently, grinning to show her sharp teeth.
“What has happened to your hair?” Seena asked with apparent concern. “Have you been unwell?”
Cody shook her blonde head. “No, I keep it short because I like it that way; It’s less trouble.”

Seena considered this for a moment. “How—old are you tiny one?”
Seena looked at Luna in surprise. “Then you are ten years younger than me, and two years older than Luna.”
Then squinting skeptically at Cody she asked. “In your village, how do you measure years? How many sunrises?”
Cody was surprised by this rather perceptive question. “Three hundred and sixty-five.” She replied.
Seena’s eyes looked skyward in thought.
“That is twenty-six years, and four months by our calendar.” Luna said quickly.

“What did she say?” Bea asked.
“She says that she wants to fuck you.”
“Cody!” Bea said, embarrassed. “Be serious!”
“I am being serious, she says she wants to fuck you right now—on top of the bridge. Should I ask her to lower it back down first?”
Demon!! Shut up!”
“She only asked my age Beanie.”
“Oh.” Bea said disappointedly, then added, “I think maybe I liked your first answer better.”

Cody gazed at her friend oddly for a moment. When she turned, she saw that Seena was staring down at her bare feet with a broad smile that was almost a leer.
“Stop Seena!” Luna said firmly and placed a restraining hand on the tall woman’s elbow. “I have already claimed this Cody to laugh with. Only if I fail may you then try to bind her. And this time, I will not fail, she is the one!”

Seena’s brown eyes flashed angrily for a moment, but then softened. She let out a long sigh and said, “Very well little Luna, you have made your claim on her and I shall respect it. But know well, that if you do fail, that I will make her laugh very hard indeed!”

Feeling rather vulnerable, Cody again tugged at the tight ropes on her wrists.
“Luna, just how long do you intend to keep us tied?”
“Until such time it pleases me to free you.” She winked. “It is not yet time.”

Seena squinted at Cody. “How many children do you have?”
“No children, neither Bea nor I are married.”
Seena gave Luna a puzzled expression.
“What is…married?” Luna asked.
Cody seemed bewildered. “It’s the life-long joining of two people who love one another.”
Luna and Seena continued to stare blankly, not seeming to understand Cody’s words.
“For companionship, and for the purpose of having children.”
Dead silence.
“People who want to spend the rest of their lives together.” Cody elaborated. “And want to be able to have sex with each other whenever they wish.”

“What is sex?” Seena asked, tasting the word in her mouth.
Cody only stared back at her stupidly.
Luna suddenly snapped her fingers. “I know! It’s having war with another. Seena and I have had war many times, we both like it very much!” Then she added pouting, “But she always wins.”

Once more jealousy flared dangerously in Cody’s eyes. “I see. And have the two of you had many children together?”
Both Luna and Seena laughed uproariously at this comment.
“I have one child.” Seena said proudly. “My daughter Syral.”
“But…” Cody stammered. “It takes a man to produce children.”
Seena laughed. “Well of course! And I have been most fortunate. My man Mirock, has given me a beautiful tall girl who will soon take her place to stand beside me here in the upper city as a powerful warrior.”
It was now Cody’s turn to be confused. “Upper city?”

Luna held out the palm of her right hand. “Stop! The time for talking will come later. You and the bean-woman need to rest. I will take you to a place where you can become clean and discard your hot dirty clothes.”
“Fine.” Cody said. Then added uneasily, “But what will we wear?”
Luna glanced down at her own thong. “The same as me of course, a teeta. Or if you prefer, nothing at all.” She added smiling, “But I think that I would prefer the second!”

Chapter Three - The Upper City

The late afternoon view from this height was breathtaking. To the west, the sun, now hidden from view by the mountains, cast soft gray shadows on the city, making its features stand out in sharp relief. Seemingly just above their heads, thick gray clouds raced furiously towards mist-covered mountains far to the east. Thunder sounded dimly in the distance, and the air smelled of ozone and of coming rain.

Luna led them northward along a wide, brick tiled path. To their left was the high outer wall of a city that had been completely hewn into the solid rock face of the mountain.
Unlike similar buildings made by the cliff dwellers of the American southwest that are crude and unadorned, all of the structures here were perfectly proportioned, and highly ornamented. Prodigious bass-relief’s depicting women, plants and jungle animals abounded, having been carved laboriously and artfully into the sandstone face of the rock.
Cody saw that not only were these people great hunters, but also were clearly consummate builders as well as being exquisitely talented artists.

To they’re right, a sheer drop descended to the jungle floor hundreds of feet below. Looking down, she could see a palm bordered stream that curved serpent-like through the many hills to finally disappear out of sight far to the south.

Many thick vines and brightly flowered creepers scaled the walls of the city. They rose high along its face, twisting and turning past the many windows to finally blend into the verdant jungle mountaintop far above. The nearness and intimacy of the city was magnificent, and suggested nothing in common with the prosaic world the two women explorers knew.

At one point Luna halted to quickly unbind her two captives.
Returning the ropes to her leather sack she said, “The bridge has been raised, and my friend Seena stands watch. Do not try to escape, for you cannot.”
“And if we did try?” Cody said, rubbing her sore wrists.
“You will fail. Seena is very strong and she will only catch you and give you to the Torturess to be punished.”
“The…the Torturess?” Cody said, clearly interested.

Luna nodded severely. “Yes. In our village it is the Torturess’s task to punish those who have done bad things. And once she has bound you in her ropes there is nothing I could do to help you; you would suffer most terribly!”

Cody felt an unaccountable, pleasant tightening in her groin.
“Just…just how would she torture me?”
Most terribly! She is most skilled, and very clever at her art.”
“Oh?” Cody said, showing more fascination than fear.
“Please Cody woman, do not try to escape, for if you do I will be punished as well.”
Luna nodded. “Even more terribly than you.”
Cody smiled softly. “I wouldn’t want that to happen Luna.”
“And it would be foolish for you to try to escape. You would only die in the jungle. Here as my captives, you will be safe.”

As they walked, Bea couldn’t resist running her hands along the markings cut deep into the sandstone, exploring them with her fingertips. This world was so strange, so outré, that it was as though she had to actually touch it, feel it, to prove its existence.
As they passed, the curious faces of women began to appear from behind open windows and doors to stare out at the two strangers with great interest.

Cody became aware of one especially prominent building that rose upwards more than a hundred feet. Carved into the mountain, it had been built in tiers, and set back a small distance from the path on which they stood.
Its bold markings were amazingly intricate and even more highly detailed than its ornate neighbors. The carvings wound about its face in elaborate symmetrical swirls that rose to where they finally disappeared from sight into the gray mist high above.

“Wow!” Said Bea.
“What is this place?” Cody asked Luna. “A temple?”
Luna turned and stared with reverence at the structure. “Yes, it is the sacred temple of our Goddess Ixabala. The space inside is vast and reaches far back into the mountain. There are also many stairs and turning passages behind and below.”
“Like a maze, or labyrinth?” Cody asked.

Luna nodded. “Where they lead has long been forgotten. We often speak of exploring them to re-discover where they go, but it would take all of the village women working together to do this in safety, for there are many terrible dangers there.”
“Dangers?” Cody asked, peering into the dark open doorway.
“Yes. The passages are very old. Rainwater and the ages have injured them. There are also many serpents from whose bite you would die.”
Cody nodded. “Poisonous snakes.”

“However, the most dangerous thing is…” Here, Luna said a Spanish word that Cody didn’t understand, and when she asked Luna to explain, the tall woman locked her two thumbs together and wiggled her long fingers while raising her hands slowly up in the air.
“Spiders?” Cody said at once. “There are dangerous spiders?”

Excuse me!” Bea said irritably. “What spiders? Is this a private conversation, or can I join the club?”
“Sorry Beanie.” Cody said. “This building is a temple to some Goddess named Ixabala. Luna says that are so many passages inside that even they don’t remember where they lead.”
“Oh?” Bea asked with some interest.
“Yeah, and that there are poisonous snakes, and deadly spiders.”
Bea grinned and straightened her long neck proudly. “ Well I’m not afraid of snakes, I eat them!”

“What did the bean-woman say?” Luna asked.
Cody’s face twisted into a sly grin. “She says that her feet are beginning to hurt again and that she can hardly wait for you to rub them.”

Luna’s questioning eyes moved slowly down Bea’s slender body to come to rest on her sunburned bare feet. “Tell her that she need not fear, for there are many women here who will be most anxious to soothe her soft feet.”
Cody grinned, knowing that her little joke had probably just gotten her best friend into a lot of bad foot trouble.

“I myself,” Luna continued. “Will be too busy attending to Cody’s small feet.”
“Oh?” Cody said gulping. “That’s really not necessary, I…”
“But the bean-woman will not be too sad, for there are many others whose skills at rubbing the feet of women is far greater than mine.”
“That’s fine Luna, but I…”
Luna lifted an eyebrow. “But, if last night my touch was not pleasing to you, then perhaps I should allow another woman to…”
Cody threw up a palm. “No! You’re touch was wonderful! I was quite—pleased.”
Luna regarded Cody with sparkling eyes. “So I saw. My touch seemed to make you most—friendly. It is sad that we had to go before we could make war together, for I am most anxious to learn from you your secrets.”

Bea watched with some surprise as Cody’s face turned a bright crimson red.
“I’m sure Luna, that you can teach me a few things too.” Cody stammered.
“We will have many days to teach each other new things.” Luna said. “I am also very much interested in this tickle thing you spoke of, and wish to learn of it.”

Cody swallowed hard and changed the subject. Turning toward the temple, she said, “Can we go inside?”
Luna frowned and grabbed Cody’s arm to restrain her. “No, your foolish clothes would deeply offend Ixabala! Her anger toward my village would be like red-hot fire, and our punishment swift and terrible if I were to permit you to enter. No clothes of any kind must ever be worn inside, not even teetas.”
Cody nodded apologetically. “I’m sorry Luna, I meant no disrespect to Ixabala.”
Luna nodded curtly. “I know this, and when I do present you to her, I’m certain that despite your offensive odor, she will love and accept you as her sister.”

“My—my odor?” Cody asked.
“I am sorry tiny Cody, I mean no offense, but both you and the bean-woman have the—foulest—smell. It is like nothing I have ever known before, sweet…like dying flowers and most terrible!”

Cody’s eyes lit with understanding. “Deodorant! You don’t like the underarm deodorant we wear?”
No!” Luna said with disgust. “Whatever you call it, it is vile, and I do not like it! Why do you inflict this evil thing on others?”
“We wear it hide our natural body odors.”
“But the smells of a woman are most wonderful and inviting.” Luna said, shaking her head with incredulity. “I think that your U-nited States must be a most backwards village. You are both indeed very fortunate that you have come here so that you can learn from us.”

Duh!” Bea said hotly. “I’m still here!”
Cody began to laugh. “Sorry Beanie. Luna says that her Goddess has no desire to meet any women wearing clothes, and that we both stink.”
“Oh.” Bea said, smelling her own underarms. “Doesn’t Luna like Right Guard?”
“Come!” Luna commanded. “We will go to the bath where you can become free of your foolish apparel and wash this terrible smell from your beautiful bodies.”

As Luna turned to go, Cody spoke. “Luna, may I ask a question of you?”
Luna nodded.
“The bridge we came across appears to be the only way in or out of the village, am I right?”
“Still thinking of trying to escape sneaky one?”
Cody smiled. “No, we want to stay with you Luna, I’m just curious.”
Luna nodded. “The bridge serves to keep out our enemies and dangerous animals. If you were my prisoners, we would have already tortured and killed you both.” She then added with a satisfied smile, “You are my captive guests.”
“I see.” Cody turned to Bea. “Come on Beanie, let’s go get naked.”


But Bea wasn’t listening and seemed distracted. She looked at Cody, and then nodded her head back in the direction they’d just come. “We’ve got company.”
A group of around ten women was approaching them cautiously. They were smiling, their wide eyes filled with curiosity and playful interest.
In the center, a woman with red hair who was much shorter than the others, stared boldly back at them with an amused, impish grin.
Bea wiggled the fingers of one hand nervously and said, “Hi girls.”
The women whispered to one another and giggled with delight.
The red-haired woman laughed and imitated Bea by waving her own fingers back at her in the same manner.

Although Cody sensed no real threat from these women, she seemed to be unable to tear her gaze from the shorter one. Not only was her hair of a different color, but there was something peculiar about her, something that niggled in the back of Cody’s mind, something obvious, yet elusive.

“Go away!” Luna called out. “These two women are my captives, they are tired and need to bathe themselves.”
“No woman should bathe alone Luna.” The red-haired woman called out teasingly. “We’ll help them.”
The band of Amazons giggled.
“You foolish women will only drown them, now go away!” Luna said, frowning.
“Is it true what Seena says; that that they both have extremely soft feet?” The redhead asked boldly. “I must feel these soft feet for myself!”
“All you will feel Oola, is my soft foot on your behind!” Luna replied.

At this, the Amazon women began to laugh so hard that it become infectious. Cody snickered, and Bea, who hadn’t the slightest understanding of what was being said, began to laugh as well. Soon the iron mask of disapproval on Luna’s face broke, and she too laughed uproariously.
“Come.” Luna said smiling, Pay no attention to these fools.” And led Cody and Bea onward.


The three continued to walk until Luna halted in front of the very last of the rock-hewn buildings at the extreme northern end of the path.
Water trickled out from four terra cotta pipes that protruded from the front of the structure, dripping noisily into a channel at the base of the building. The channel spanned the entire front of the city, serving as a kind of primitive gutter.
Standing aside from the doorless entryway, Luna motioned for them to enter.

Steps carved into sandstone led several feet upwards into a large central room with a high ceiling. The air inside was close and humid, and upon looking around Cody quickly understood why.

Set against the right-hand wall was large tub several feet high and about ten feet square. It appeared to be made of some type of dark wood, and was filled to the top with steaming hot water. The water overflowed, trickling down the sides in little streams that ran across the floor to form small shallow puddles.
“This is our bath house.” Luna said with obvious pride. “Remove your clothes and get in. The water is clean and warm, and you will find it quite wonderful!”

The large tub did look inviting, and Cody didn’t have to be asked twice.
Quickly pulling off her clothes, she said, “Come on Beanie, last one in’s snake food!”
“So much for vanity I guess.” Bea said. “Now we go native.”

The water was wonderful. It reminded Cody of her teenage years, when late at night she would sneak young lovers—alternately male and female—into her parent's hot tub to have sex with them in the surging, foaming water.
Bea smiled as though she had gone to heaven. She untied her long ‘Lara Croft’ braid. Then without the benefit of any soap, washed her long chestnut hair.

Luna disappeared for a short time, having taken away their discarded clothes and backpacks. She returned a few minutes later to quickly slip out of her teeta and join Cody and Bea in the warm water. There was more than enough room for all three women, and they sat beside one another luxuriating, and relaxing quietly.

They had been soaking for some time when Cody asked, “Luna…where does all this water come from?”
“From high up on the mountain.” Luna replied. “It travels through pipes that lie under the ground and lead to this place.”
“What about the heat? How can it be so warm? Surely the water from the mountain is cold.”
“Very cold. But under this room lies yet another where a woman keeps a wood fire burning beneath the stone floor where we now sit. She is very skilled at keeping the bath at just the right heat.”
“She must work very hard indeed.”
“Yes, it is her sole task in our village. Her name is Elani.”
“And that’s all that Elani does? Just keeps a fire going?”

Luna looked at Cody with some impatience. “Elani works hard to provide us with the great pleasure of this bath. It is available to every woman in our village anytime of the day or night. Elani sleeps little, and often misses her meals to provide us this luxury. It is a difficult task, and I, a simple huntress, admire and respect her greatly.”
“I’m sorry Luna.” Cody said with sincerity. “I meant no disrespect to Elani.”
“I know little one.” Luna said softening. “I know also that you must not have such great luxuries as this bath in your U-nited States village, but remember, each of us has her duties to perform. There are no small tasks, only small minded women.”

Cody smiled, recalling having read the almost identical words of the great acting teacher, Boleslovsky in acting class. “I’ll remember that.”
Luna nodded and leaned back against the edge of the tub.
“How many villagers live here?” Cody asked.
“There are now ninety of us women, some twelve men and twenty children.” Luna replied.
“We haven’t seen any men or children. Where are they?”
Luna shrugged. “They do not stay here in the upper village with us women, they live below in the lower village, inside huts.”
Cody was confused. “Your men don’t stay here with you at night?”
Luna laughed shortly. “Praise Ixabala no! Why would we wish that? No, they stay below where they belong and care for the children.”

Cody had opened her mouth to ask yet another of the thousand questions she had about Luna and her people, when without warning a group of six women led by the red-haired woman Oola, suddenly rushed up the steps to stand smiling down at the three bathers. They were obviously up to no good and were out for fun.

Bea’s reaction was to sit up nervously with her hands covering her breasts. Cody’s was to sink down into the water up to her neck. Luna pretended to be annoyed while trying to conceal her smile.
“What do you foolish women want now?” She said.
Oola stood boldly with her hands on her hips and her legs apart. “We want the same thing as we did an hour ago; to feel the soft feet of the two captives!”

Once again, Cody experienced the same peculiar feeling about the woman as she had had earlier on the path. It was something right in front of her, something obvious, but still, she couldn’t seem to put her finger on it.

She studied Oola carefully. Her hair was cut into the same Cleopatra style as the other women, but it was of rich titian red. She was more slender and less endowed than her friends and her skin somewhat lighter in hue.
Oola’s face was stunningly beautiful, but unlike the savage, imperious beauty of Luna’s, hers was elegant and refined; the face of an artist.

Oola’s most singular feature however, was the gleam of pure devilment she had in her piercing blue eyes. Cody understood that here was a woman for whom nothing, or no one was sacred. She lived only to laugh and raise hell with the world. Oola was the quintessential tomboy.
Cody liked her instinctively; she and Oola were cut from the same whole cloth. Still, there was that niggling feeling.

“Go away! Leave them alone!” Luna said. “They are tired and need to rest.”
“Oh I see!” Said Oola—who was obviously the instigator of this little visit.
“And just where I wonder, are these soft-footed women going to sleep tonight? Could it possibly be in your house Luna?”
“It is my business where they sleep.” Luna said coolly.
“No, It is monkey business! I know what you intend to do with them only too well Luna! Perhaps tomorrow you will be asking the priestess Arris for a new necklace, one with downward toes!”

Luna looked away. “You do not understand, these women are my friends.”
Oola wore a wry expression on her face. “Oh, I see.” She nodded. “Seena tells us that you feel especially friendly towards the small captive…what is her name?”
Cody knelt forward in the water and reached out her hand. “Hi Oola, my name is Cody.”

Momentarily caught off-guard, the red-haired woman paused for only a second before stepping forward to take Cody’s extended hand.
“And I am Oola!” She said holding her hand in a vise-like grip. Without releasing it, she turned to look at Bea questioningly.
“I’m Bea.” Bea said pointing to herself, having understood that introductions were being made.
Bea!” Oola said, as if tasting the word in her mouth. “That is pretty!”

“What did she say Cody?” Bea asked, excitedly.
“She said that she wants to fuck you!”
“What she said was that your name is very pretty.” Cody said laughing.
“Well thank her for me, and tell her that I think that her name—Oola—is pretty too! And tell her that I love her red hair. She’s absolutely gorgeous Cody!”

Cody translated Bea’s words to Oola in Spanish—and for once accurately.
Oola smiled at Bea and nodded her appreciation. Her eyes moved down to Bea’s breasts, and the smile became an impish grin.

Turning back, she examined Cody’s hand carefully, turning it over and running her fingers softly across the palm.
She said in awe, “Soft—so soft! How can a woman’s hands be this soft? This Cody must do no work at all. Luna…surely the soles of her feet cannot be as soft as this hand?”
Luna stared back, her expression haughty and superior. “Her wonderful small feet are even softer! I know! I have touched them with my own fingers.”
Oola released Cody’s hand and made a sour face. “And just what do you know Luna? Yours are only the hands of a huntress! Mine are those of an artist, and I shall judge the softness of her feet for myself!”

Oola knelt down quickly, and reaching into the water grabbed hold of Cody’s right ankle. With startling strength, she pulled her foot up and onto the wide edge of the tub.
Caught off-guard, Cody slipped and fell backwards beneath the water. She surfaced a second later, sputtering and holding herself upraised with her arms at her sides.
Hey! Cody said laughing.

Luna looked at Oola in disgust. “Stop this foolishness Oola! Go away and leave this small woman alone! It is our bath time!”
A very tall woman spoke. “The bath does not belong you alone Luna. It belongs to each of use to freely, whenever we wish!”
“That is true Xantha.” Luna said. “But we were here first, and are not yet done. And besides, I am sure that you and Oola have already had your baths today.”
“Take all the time you wish snake hunter.” Oola said smiling. “We are not here to bathe, we are here to test the feet of these two women. Now be silent, or we will bind you with ropes and leave you helpless in the temple for the spiders!”

For Luna, this was apparently something more than an idle threat. Seeing the grim determination on the faces of the other women, she became silent and sat back sullenly with her arms folded across her ample breasts.

Still holding Cody’s bare foot, Oola spun about backwards to sit on her ankle, holding it wedged between her buttocks. As her fingers began to move lightly across the sole, Oola’s eyes widened in delight. “Luna speaks the truth! The Cody woman’s foot is the softest I have ever known!”
The other women’s eyes grew wide, and they murmured to one another excitedly. Cody gritted her teeth as she squirmed trying to free the trapped foot.
“Hey! Stop! That tickles!” She said anxiously.

Luna sat bolt upright, her face ablaze with excitement. “Tickles? That—is tickle? Let me see Oola!” She rose to her knees, and leaning over the edge of the tub watched in fascination as Oola’s long fingernails moved up and down the smooth sole of Cody’s small right foot.
“Oh my God! Stop!” Cody shrieked. “Bea, make her stop! I can’t stand having my feet tickled!”

Bea began to giggle. She moved safely away to rest comfortably with her back against the side of the tub, her breasts just above the water and her fingers laced behind her neck. “No way!” She said with a curt laugh. “I like watching you squirm. Maybe in the future this will teach you include me in your conversations too.”
“Bea!!!” Cody pleaded, and began to laugh hysterically.
“Nope—suffer!” Bea said and giggled again.

“Look sisters!” Oola said in amazement. “The Cody woman has smiling feet!”
The other five tall women all chuckled and grinned, hopping about in delight. “Let us see!” Xantha cried excitedly. “We want to feel these soft smiling feet for ourselves!”

Sobbing with laughter, Cody held herself up with both arms, and placing her free foot against Oola’s back, pushed with all her might in an attempt to shove her off.
This however, proved to be a serious mistake. Oola’s strong body was as immovable as a rock, and only resulted in her reaching behind her back to grab Cody’s left foot as well. In a trice the foot had also been trapped beneath her thighs.
“Shit!” Cody screamed in frustration and bent forward trying to reach Oola.

The tallest of the women, Xantha, seeing that a new foot was now available, raced forward. Kneeling down, she began to use her fingertips to lightly stroke it as well.
Cody let out a deafening scream and fell backwards beneath the water.

Luna watched with amusement as Cody resurfaced a second later shaking her head and spitting water. “Poor Cody woman.” Luna said. “Your small feet smile more loudly than any I have ever heard! I fear this will prove a very serious weakness for you when you make war with me.”
Cody couldn’t reply as she had already begun to laugh again.

“She is wonderful!” Xantha said, and giggled loudly.
Oola nodded in agreement. “She is wonderful!” She turned to Luna with sudden seriousness, “This Cody wears no tarka, have you already claimed her?”
Yes!” Luna said fiercely. “I have already told Seena so, and Cody will laugh only with me! Tomorrow she will wear her own tarka, one with upward pointing toes!”

Oola looked down sadly at Cody’s feet and pouted. “I see!” Suddenly she brightened. “And what about the Bea woman? Has anyone claimed her?”
Luna looked at Bea, who smiled back expectantly. “No, you are most fortunate Oola, she is still alone. And not only are her feet as soft as the Cody woman’s, but she is very clever as well. She knows all there is to know about plants.”

Oola stood, and still holding Cody’s ankles pinned said, “Xantha, take her and have your turn with her smiling feet.”
The taller woman clapped her hands in delight, and quickly took the red-haired woman’s place to sit on Cody’s ankles. The tickling resumed at once.

Oola jumped into the tub, and reaching beneath the water to take hold of Bea’s ankles, dragged her forward to the edge of the tub. In a second, she had Bea tightly secured in the same position that Xantha held Cody.
Oola looked down in delight. “This Bea’s feet are even softer than the Cody woman’s! But they even larger, and there is more to touch!”
“Let me see!” Said one of the women.
“NO!!” Oola screamed hotly. “This Bea woman is mine! I claim her!”

Bea sat up and leaned forward with her hands on Oola’s hips. However, instead of laughing or trying to push the other woman away, she only smiled and seemed confused.

“How can you stand it Bea?” Cody said between wild fits of laughter.
Bea slid the palms of her hands gently around Oola’s small hips, exploring them, and making slow circles around her hipbones. “I guess I’m not that ticklish, it just feels really good.”

With tremendous strength, Cody bent forward and grabbed Xantha around the waist and held on tightly. But when she moved her hands to try to cover her feet, the much stronger woman simply swatted them away. Then reaching behind her, she gave a gentle push that sent Cody flying backwards and under the water once more.

Bea wrapped her arms around Oola’s waist and pressed herself against the red-haired woman’s warm back. She still seemed confused, but began to sigh with pleasure as Oola steadily worked the soles of her feet with her fingertips.

Oola was a little disappointed that these wonderfully soft feet were not smiling feet like Cody’s, and decided to try something else instead.
Bending forward, she lowered her head to take Bea’s toes into her mouth, sucking and teasing them with her tongue.

Bea held on tightly to the red-haired woman’s small waist, sighing over and over.
“Oh God! Oh God!”


Amazon is continued in part three
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Post by bound_jenny »

This is really fun! :D

I wonder if one can see this village on Google Earth... :wink:

Helplessness is a doorway to the innermost reaches of the soul.
If my corset isn't tight, it just isn't right!
Kink is the spice of life!
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Post by cdinbonds »

These women will never want to go back to so-called "civilization! :D
There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons - for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
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