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Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 04:59
by guurhack
I am a unity video game developer. I have experience creating these. I have tried 2 applications that are to keep the combination of a lock safe for a while. But they are too boring for a self-bondage session. since it is only to leave them open. So it occurred to me to program. Maybe mini-games that keep you on the phone.
Also other "games" like the one at sissy university. which I find interesting. that there are levels.
The only thing that I have inexpensive is with arduino.
Here Get demanding with ideas. I will take all of them into consideration to carry out this "Game-Release-Metothd"

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 11 Oct 2020, 09:56
by Shannon SteelSlave
Welcome to Bound Anna, Guurhack. Send me a Privater Message, I'll get you where you need to be here at the forum.

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 09:36
by Kinbaku
Welcome Guurhack.
A game in which you have to perform different tasks within certain times: get out of a maze, add or subtract numbers, count how many letters "e" there are in a text, solve puzzles, spot the 10 differences between 2 drawings, solve a 20 piece jigsaw puzzle, ...
If you fail within the time limit, you will fall back to a previous level and be given a new assignment (such as the Ladders and Snakes game). Only at the last level does the Arduino operate the electromagnetic release lock. The same Arduino also periodically controls the vibrator that distracts you from the solutions.
With the possibility that the user can initially choose from which types of problems he wants to play the game.
Easy under normal circumstances, but not so easy to carry out under time pressure and distraction. :twisted:

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 14 Oct 2020, 01:43
by guurhack
It sounds like a very kinky mario party. I like it

I am also looking at how to pass information to an arduino and thus each one configures it to their liking for the topic of Teasing. Could you give me an example of how you use arduino to torture yourself?

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 14 Oct 2020, 16:56
by Kinbaku
guurhack wrote:Could you give me an example of how you use arduino to torture yourself?
viewtopic.php?f=12&t=8478 is a good starting point.

I used this code:

Code: Select all

 * Tormentor aangepast 20161021
 * aangepast 20161027 setup => Warming up and prepare
 * aangepast 20170405 extra setup met 2 routines
 * aangepast 20170917 indication met hogere waarden
Evil begins here

int sexPin = 9; // Sex toy connected to pin 
int ledpin = 13; 

unsigned long randNum;
int randIntensity;
int randPattern;
int maxPattern = 11; // highest pattern number
int lowLimiet = 0;
int upperLimiet = 255;
int var;

void setup() { 
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode (sexPin, OUTPUT);
  //Warming up one minute
  while(millis()-currentMillis<60000) {
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(sexPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(sexPin, LOW);
  int speed = random(8,11);
  Serial.print("Speedchanging (milliseconds): ");
  Serial.println(speed); //Debugging
  for (int fadeValue=2000; fadeValue>10; fadeValue -= speed) {
    digitalWrite(sexPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(sexPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);

  //Arduino controled play 20170405
	// These variables will hold a random number generated by the random() function
	unsigned long breakTime, previousMillis;
	//unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
	unsigned long var;
	unsigned long sequenceOne, sequenceTwo, sequenceThree, sequenceFour, interval;

	// IO
	int sexPin = 9;

//	// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
//	void setup() {
	  // initialize digital pin 9 as an output.
	  pinMode(sexPin, OUTPUT);
	  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

	   //setup serial communications through the USB
	  Serial.println("Starting new session.");

//	// the loop function runs over and over again forever
//	void loop() {
	//do it 3 times
	for (int i=0; i <= 2; i++){
	  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

	   Serial.println("- sex Test -");
	  var = 0; // Test to make sure it's working
	  while(var < 1){
	     currentMillis = millis();
	     for (int fadeValue = 10 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	       digitalWrite(13, LOW);

	     for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 10; fadeValue -= 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	       digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
	     // Serial.print("Repetition: ");
	     // Serial.println(currentMillis);
	  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
	  analogWrite(sexPin, 0);

	   // Serial.print("Time: ");
	  // Serial.println(currentMillis);

//	   Serial.print("Break time: ");
//	    breakTime = random(5, 15) * 1000 * 60;      // 5 - 15 minutes
	    breakTime = 12000;      // 2 minutes
//	  Serial.print(breakTime / 60 / 1000);
//	  Serial.println(" minutes.");
//	  Serial.println("");

	 digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
   digitalWrite(13, LOW);
	    // Indication
	   var = 0;
	  while(var < 3){
	     currentMillis = millis();
	     for (int fadeValue = 100 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);

	     for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 100; fadeValue -= 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	     // Serial.print("Repetition: ");
	     // Serial.println(currentMillis);
	   Serial.println("Begin in 2 minutes.");
   analogWrite(sexPin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
   analogWrite(sexPin, HIGH); 
   digitalWrite(13, LOW);
	   sequenceOne = random(3, 6) * 30;
	   sequenceTwo = random(1, 3) * 30;
	   sequenceThree = random(15, 20);
	   sequenceFour = random(1, 2) * 30;


	   // Sequence One
	   Serial.print("Sequence One: ");
	   Serial.print(sequenceOne * 2.2 / 60);
	   Serial.println(" minutes");
	   var = 0;
	  while(var < sequenceOne){
	     currentMillis = millis();
	     for (int fadeValue = 100 ; fadeValue <= 240; fadeValue += 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	       digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

	     for (int fadeValue = 240 ; fadeValue >= 100; fadeValue -= 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	       digitalWrite(13, LOW);
	     // Serial.print("Repetition: ");
	     // Serial.println(currentMillis);

	   // Sequence Two
	   Serial.print("Sequence Two: ");
	   Serial.print(sequenceTwo * 1.4 / 60);
	   Serial.println(" minutes");
	   var = 0;
	  while(var < sequenceTwo){
	     currentMillis = millis();
	     for (int fadeValue = 100 ; fadeValue <= 250; fadeValue += 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);

	     for (int fadeValue = 250 ; fadeValue >= 100; fadeValue -= 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	     // Serial.print("Repetition: ");
	     // Serial.println(currentMillis);
	   // Sequence Three
	   Serial.print("Sequence Three: ");
	   Serial.print(sequenceTwo * .3);
	   Serial.println(" seconds");
	   var = 0;
	  while(var < sequenceThree){
	     currentMillis = millis();
	     for (int fadeValue = 150 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);

	     for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 150; fadeValue -= 2) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	     // Serial.print("Repetition: ");
	     // Serial.println(currentMillis);
	   // Sequence Four
	   Serial.print("Sequence Four: ");
	   Serial.print(sequenceFour * .4 / 60);
	   Serial.println(" minutes");
	   var = 0;
	  while(var < sequenceFour){
	     currentMillis = millis();
	     for (int fadeValue = 40 ; fadeValue <= 240; fadeValue += 5) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	     for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 40; fadeValue -= 5) {
	       analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue);
	      // Serial.print("Repetition: ");
	     // Serial.println(currentMillis);
	//second variation 20170405
	//20x(5sec on 15sec off)
       for (int i=0; i <= 19; i++){
        digitalWrite (sexPin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

        digitalWrite (sexPin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);



void loop() { 

  analogWrite (sexPin, 0); //Turn off toy

  digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH); //Turn off internal & external LED
  randNum = random (500,9000)*5; // Get a random number
  Serial.print("Delaying (sec): ");
  Serial.println(randNum/1000+1); //Debugging
  delay (randNum/5);

  Serial.print("Pattern number: ");
  Serial.println(randPattern); //Debugging

  switch(randPattern) {

    case 1:
 // Run at random intensity for 10-45 seconds
      randNum = random(1000,4500) * 10;
      randIntensity = random (100,255)+1;
      analogWrite (sexPin,randIntensity);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);
      delay (randNum);

    case 2:
 // oh eh oh eh oh eh
      analogWrite (sexPin, 127);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      delay (1000);
      analogWrite (sexPin, 255);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      delay (1600);
      analogWrite (sexPin, 127);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      delay (1000);
      analogWrite (sexPin, 255);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      delay (1600);
      analogWrite (sexPin, 127);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      delay (1000);
      analogWrite (sexPin, 255);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      delay (1000);

    case 3:
 // bzz bzz (bzz bzz bzz) bzzzzzzzzzz
      for (int i=0; i <= randNum; i++){
        analogWrite (sexPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

        analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);


    case 4:
 // bzz bzz bzzzzzzzz bzz bzz bzz (bzz bzz bzz)
      analogWrite (sexPin, 127);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);

      analogWrite (sexPin, 190);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      for (int i=0; i <= randNum; i++){
        analogWrite (sexPin, 255);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

        analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);


    case 5:
 // pulse pulse pulse pulse (pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse)
      for (int i=0; i <= randNum; i++){
        analogWrite (sexPin, randIntensity);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

        analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);


    case 6:
 // random fade out
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      lowLimiet = random(9,99);
      upperLimiet = random(lowLimiet+51,255);
      analogWrite (sexPin, upperLimiet);
      for(int fadeValue = upperLimiet ; fadeValue >= lowLimiet; fadeValue -=1) { 
        // sets the value (range from 0 to 255):
        analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 
        // wait for 40 milliseconds 

    case 7:
 // fade out medium - fade out lower
      analogWrite (sexPin, 255);
      digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

      for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 100; fadeValue -=1) { 
        analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 
      for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 30; fadeValue -=1) { 
        analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 

    case 8:
 // fade up down
      digitalWrite (ledpin,LOW);
      for(int fadeValue = 50 ; fadeValue >= 255; fadeValue +=1) { 
        analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 
      for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 30; fadeValue -=1) { 
        analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 

    case 9:
 // pulse up
      for (int pulses=2 ; pulses <=10; pulses +=1) {
        analogWrite (sexPin, randIntensity);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

        analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);


   case 10:
 // pulse ... pulse (pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse)
      for (int i=0; i <= randNum; i++){
        analogWrite (sexPin, randIntensity);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);

        analogWrite (sexPin, 50);
        digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);


    case 11:
 // Repitition fade up down
      digitalWrite (ledpin,LOW);
      var = 1;
      while(var<11) {
        for(int fadeValue = 20 ; fadeValue >= 255; fadeValue +=var) { 
          analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 
        for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 20; fadeValue -=var) { 
          analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 

      var = 1;
      while(var<11) {
        for(int fadeValue = 30 ; fadeValue >= 255; fadeValue +=2) { 
          analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 
        for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 30; fadeValue -=2) { 
          analogWrite(sexPin, fadeValue); 
    analogWrite (sexPin, 0); //Turn off toy 

  } //end switch
} //end loop
Where I start with "Prepare" for getting my penis hard, then a standard 4 sequence routine for getting ready and then randomly (from 11 possibilities) different stimulations for the edging.
The led 13 lights up when the vibrator is off so that I have a check that everything is still working and there is, for example, no power cut.
It was basic idea was from "Franklin's Sex Tech: The Tormentor".
An example of the connections: ... -Transist/

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 15 Oct 2020, 22:38
by guurhack
Do you also use it as a method of release?
I was thinking that the cell phone would send numbers from 0 to 10 with 0 being the release method and the other 9 leaving it for Teasing

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 16 Oct 2020, 11:28
by Kinbaku
guurhack wrote:Do you also use it as a method of release?
I was thinking that the cell phone would send numbers from 0 to 10 with 0 being the release method and the other 9 leaving it for Teasing
At the moment I am not using it as a release method.
Lately I have been using CodeLocker and TimeLockerForImages.
When I am blindfolded, I use the alarm of my cell phone when the time has expired and as a sign that I can free myself.

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 11:52
by guurhack
This is the 2 first minigames on the game. can suggest more in this topic

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 18:02
by Kinbaku
Well done. :hi:
Another thing you could try is something like there is to learn to type with 10 fingers: letters/words will appear and the user has to type them in. If you type too slowly (You can use the same clock you made in your 2 other games) or make too many mistakes, you will have to redo the sequence. You can determine the level of difficulty by controlling the speed at which the words appear or by using difficult words (different language).
For example, you have to complete 10 series before you can free yourself.
Besides for bondage, you will learn to type better. :mrgreen:

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 19:20
by 0385
instead of rock paper scissors, maybe three sex positions that represent r/p/s

Spreadeagle instead of paper,
Doggy all hunched over instead of rock
and well, scissoring instead of scissors

and of course the cards with a custom texture.

and do they shock/buzz when you lose a round or get a mismatch?

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 21:41
by guurhack
I do not have plans to put images +18 since in the long run if you want to publish in the play store, Google starts not to recommend the app.

The application can be connected via bluethoot to an arduino. and send punishments. but that will depend on you and your creativity with this device.

I've created a discord. in case you want to join to propose ideas. I would love for the game to have a female character to do the teasing. and adjust the behavior of this due to decision making. but I'm good at programming though. the design is not given to me


Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 12:30
by Jadit
I just got 1 idea i have to share, think of a number counter on screen. It starts from 1, 2, 3... 15, 17, 18.. OH? Where did the 16 go? You press button if you saw that, if you didn't, oh well, punishment time! :twisted: Gotta pay attention! It is also said to be unwise to press a button when it's not the time.

Re: Ideas for "Game-Realease-Metohd"

Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 17:04
by Kinbaku
Jadit wrote:I just got 1 idea i have to share, think of a number counter on screen. It starts from 1, 2, 3... 15, 17, 18.. OH? Where did the 16 go? You press button if you saw that, if you didn't, oh well, punishment time! :twisted: Gotta pay attention! It is also said to be unwise to press a button when it's not the time.
Nice idea and you can do everything with an Arduino, pushbutton, LCD screen and your favourite punishment program.
With the randNumber=random(1,100) that you don't show in the count from 1 to 100, while you read at the same time the push button. If the push button is HIGH then the program break, otherwise you go after the count to the punishment. You can set the seed with randomSeed(analogRead(0)) with nothing connected at analog port 0, so you have every time an other number.