The Game - 15 Is tutus are interesting things

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The Game - 15 Is tutus are interesting things

Post by Kay »

Is tutus are Interesting Things

So the tutu project has been pretty successful, said Conscience.
Yes it has.
But perhaps you've... overdone it just a tad...?
What do you mean?
Well, he made one, and then you made one, and then you had him make another. And they all 'work', whatever it is they're doing.
Yes, they do.
And so you've kept him in one or another quite a lot, haven't you?
Well, yes, a bit... but it's hardly like you to counsel moderation.
Oh, I'm not complaining. It's when you go too far that things get interesting. You go right ahead.
Keep him in his little tutus and dancer titties 24/7. I can't wait to see what happens.
Sometimes I think you aren't my conscience at all.

But she had to admit that she had rather overdone it. She knew she should retire them for a while, but it was just too much fun. Hearing him beg not to be put in one, listening to him beg to take it off, playing with him in between. And all the while he blushed so prettily...
And his erections were really quite impressive.
He hadn't had a problem with those before, but these were... special...

She had become so fascinated with the response that she made it a research project. She tried different colors, and got the same reaction with all of them, but white and pastels elicited the strongest response of blush and erection. This pleased her because he looked so sweet in pastels.
She put an elastic bodice on one and that too was a success. She was even more pleased at that for it meant that now he could wear his cute dancer titties as well as Conscience had reminded her. His blush was, if possible, even more pronounced. She lost no time in converting the others.
She even found some light cloth shoes, and made some other modifications that she didn't bother to tell him about at all. Her researches were very thorough. Some days he suffered for hours as she refined her designs.
His 'suffering' was relative of course. He couldn't really explain his feelings about the tutu, beyond the fact that he was just so very embarrassed all the time, and it didn't seem to get any less. But it wasn't that he hated it, not exactly. Their games and her research weren't unpleasant, far from it.

Regular sex of the insert tab a in slot b sort wasn't usually part of their games, not as a main event at any rate. Of course Fifi had to be ready at a moment's notice to drop everything and copulate on demand, but that was just part of a maid's service and to be expected. Their 'normal' games usually concentrated on related, but peripheral matters.

But to test her designs she was determined to be thorough. After dressing him in the latest design she would lay him down in his froth of tulle, present her pussy to his mouth for a while, then move down to his blushing erection (who knew that an erection could blush?) and dally there for a while, either with her mouth or pussy, or employ her mouth at one end, pussy at the other... then return to his mouth again. And so on. In the brief periods that his mouth wasn't occupied she would ask him to relate his feelings, but as the experiments went on such periods tended to become briefer.

No, he honestly couldn't say that he hated the sessions. Which was good because some days there was just no end to his suffering.
Which should, in retrospect, have been a clue...


One day they had been playing for a while and she really didn't want to stop, but she decided to call an intermission instead.
“I have thoroughly enjoyed this,” she said, getting up “and I definitely intend to continue, but if I don't get down to the shop we won't have any dinner. And because I don't want to go through the fuss of getting you back into this I think I'll leave you in it while I'm gone. You'll be perfectly all right.”
They never, of course, left each other tied in any way, but dressed or naked was safe enough. In case of fire, flood, or earthquake they would just have to run outside in whatever state they found themselves and deal with the societal fall out later.
“But I might take it off...” he said.
“Oh, I know.” she said hugging him. “That's why I put this in.” He heard a click.
“Was that...?”
“I'm afraid so, dear. You're locked in your pretty tutu until I get back. But not to worry...”, she said giving his penis a light stroke. “I'm sure you'll think of some way to pass the time.”
And with that she adjusted her clothing to suit prevailing social norms, picked up her keys, and left.


She went to the shop, then remembered another errand, and then yet one more thing... What with one thing and another it was over two hours before she finally got back, which was much longer than she had planned. But what's the worst that could happen? He wasn't tied, he had the use of the toilet and probably had enough sense not to try barbecuing in that outfit...
But when she came in he was, if not frantic, at least overwrought.
“It won't work!”
“It won't get soft! It just stays hard!”
“Complained no man ever in history,” She began to laugh, but stopped herself, remembering a basic truth that all women learn about men. Some things are serious, but can still be laughed about.
But some things are Serious, and can't be.
This looked like being one of Those.
“Whats wrong?”
He showed her and indeed it was so. He was still impressively erect amid the pink and purple tulle.
“It's been like that all this time?”
“Yes! It's not good to be hard this long! Sometimes it subsides a bit but then back up it comes...”
“Well, why didn't you try masturbating?”
“I was embarrassed, but I tried... But I couldn't make it come! It just stayed...”
She stifled another laugh. “You can't be embarrassed having sex with yourself! That would be...unnatural!”
“But I can't...”
She tried to think back. During their research sessions, had he ever...?
She didn't think he had, but she had just put that down to his control. Could something else be going on? The first time he had been put in a tutu was when he was a poor little ballerina desperate to masturbate. Everything functioned perfectly then. When she finally let him.
So this was a new reaction...

“Yes, I see. Well desperate times, desperate measures. Let's see if this works.”
She unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them and her panties off in one motion. Then she lay down on rubber tile floor of the playground.
“What...? Right here...?”
“Sure, I like a solid support.”
“Come on! Half naked girl!” She sat up and whipped off her tshirt. “Now in aisle nine! Fully naked girl! Come and get it! Enough talk. Put your penis where your mouth is!”
There was a pause and then she said, “You know, that didn't come out at all as I planned it...”

It was a measure of how worried he was that he didn't even make a comment. And that worried her even more. He shrugged and joined her on the floor.
“My poor little ballerina. It'll be ok,” she said as she opened her legs “If you've been tormenting that poor thing all this time this shouldn't take long at all...”

Twenty minutes and two orgasms later (hers, not his) she admitted defeat.
“Ok, time out, I think I've lost feeling below the waist..” I may never walk again...
“See? It doesn't work...”
“Oh, don't let anyone tell you it doesn't work,” she panted.
“All right, let's rethink this,” she said when she had caught her breath.
“Has this ever happened before?”
“No, and believe me, I'd certainly remember.”
“So why do you think...?”
“It's the tutu. It has to be.”
“Ok, we joked about Fifi's Powers and that, but we don't really believe in magic. Do we? A cursed tutu is what we're going with? We threw this one together with fabric from the remnant counter, remember?”
“I don't know. Can we take it off and see?”
She had been so ready to begin and so sure it would work that she hadn't even thought to.
And had forgotten that he couldn't.
She reached behind him and unclipped the garment. He kicked it off and let out a shuddery breath. Once again she assumed the position. “Be gentle with me, sir,” she said. “for I am but a simple virgin...”

Less than thirty seconds later he had an explosive orgasm. It was one for the history books. All she could do was hang on and ride out the storm. When it finally subsided she thought, I'm glad we weren't in the old bed for that. I'm not sure it would have taken it.
And it's a very good thing that he wasn't in your mouth. Conscience added, you might have drowned.
Yes, thank you for that image. So you liked that, I assume?
Are you kidding? I like anything that makes you look like a slut. And that was some first class slutting.
I'm really beginning to wonder if you are my conscience.

He rolled off of her and lay panting. When he could finally speak he said, “All right, here's what I think it is. It's the only explanation. Fits all the data.”
“What is it?”
“You're a witch.”
Well, do we have a better idea? asked Conscience.
And she had to admit that she didn't.

They both took a moment to catch their breath and then he added, “Definitely a witch. 400 years ago they'd have burned you...”
“Because I have the power, apparently, to make men stay hard indefinitely?” she said as she practiced moving her toes again.
“I don't think so. They'd have canonized me...”


As she lay in bed that evening she drowsily considered the events of the day and the implications for her research project.
Well, that was interesting, said Conscience.
It was indeed.
A nice, lengthy, embarrassing session with a dynamite finish. You might want to consider soundproofing the playground, though.
It was memorable.
And you discovered you're a witch into the bargain. And probably not one of the sweetness and light variety. Sexual witches are the worst. Or the best, I forget which.
Oh, I've pretty much given up on that idea.
So, what then?
I think the ballerina game did it. He was embarrassed at first at what I was going to make him do, and then he was embarrassed when he had to do it, and now he's very embarrassed whenever he remembers having done it. The tutu brings that all back to him, just general embarrassment. That's why these different ones 'work'. I think he's been sensitized to tutus in general.
I see. Very logical, very rational. But it's too bad. I guess that means that you won't be putting him in them any more?
Something with that much power and payoff? Why ever would you think that?
Good girl.
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Re: The Game - 15 Is tutus are interesting things

Post by ryanchew3 »

Yes, I want moreeeeeee, I enjoy the stories having her in power at the moment
Posts: 7
Joined: 14 Sep 2018, 01:07

Re: The Game - 15 Is tutus are interesting things

Post by ryanchew3 »

I super liked episode 6, that was a nice one :)
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Re: The Game - 15 Is tutus are interesting things

Post by bounddosster »

Nice story, I enjoyed reading that it brought back reminded me of some of the embarrassments I was put through with an ex-girlfriend.

"remembering a basic truth that all women learn about men. Some things are serious, but can still be laughed about". They taught in the girl's sex education classes at my school.

"Put your penis where your mouth is!” :rofl: if only.

Embarrassment can be a wonderful thing, for some to suffer but for many to enjoy.
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
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