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Automated Porn Movie Jerk-Off Instructor 1.0 (pre-compiled)

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 13:16
by audiointensity
Edit: Added some links to the required software and fixed a typo in the bash script.
Edit 2015-08-09: Made pre-compiled binaries available for Windows and Debian/Ubuntu. Moved source code to GitHub

This is a program that spawned from the development of my other program, Porn Movie Orgasm Detector.

Like Porn Movie Orgasm Detector, this program analyses the sound from a movie and finds the points of highest sound intensity. The difference is that this program then designs a small schedule of build up, edge, and/or orgasm for the viewer to follow, based on the analyzed audio. The program generates the instructions/encouragements and writes them as subtitles to be played along the movie. These subtitles are saved as separate .srt files and can thus be reused and shared with others, if so desired.

Now, there's an element of chance of exactly how this schedule is generated. There's a countdown and then sometimes you are allowed to cum, sometimes you are told to hold it until the next climax in the movie, sometimes you are denied on the last possible moment right before orgasm. :twisted:

The chance to cum is configured by the user when running the shell script. Depending on the feedback that I get in this thread, I could make it configurable in more ways!

Like Porn Movie Orgasm Detector, this program requires no external libraries beyond the OS-specific ones. It requires GCC, FFMPEG and VLC to be installed on your computer. It can be compiled and run on Windows or any Unix-like OS.

  • Windows or any Unix-like operating system with a Bash shell
  • VLC must be installed on the system.
  1. Download the release for Windows or for Debian/Ubuntu (All releases are listed here)
  2. Extract all the files to a folder
How to use it:
See here

What it does:
When running it, it will take some time (seconds to minutes depending on your computer and the size of the video) before anything happens since FFmpeg has to convert the movie audio to WAV before sending it to the program. VLC will then start. The program generates the instructions/encouragements and writes them as subtitles to be played along the movie. Each time you run the program, the subtitles are going to be different so maybe you can try again tomorrow if denied today :lol:

If you look through the code, there are some things that are easy to tweak:
  • The minimum distance between detected points in each video. The default is 30 seconds (defined at the top of audiojoe.c)
  • The frequency of encouraging phrases that is said during the countdown during build up. The default is 0.2 (defined at the top of audiojoe.c)
Since FFMPEG is used, you can pass pretty much any video to the shell scripts. But the C program can be used without the shell scripts, you just have to pipe the right audio to it yourself.

The source code is available here.

Re: Automated Porn Movie Jerk-Off Instructor 1.0

Posted: 08 Mar 2015, 23:32
by crazy
This idea is so cool, I'm very surprised no one commented on it for a week :shock: Haven't tried it yet, but I'm definitely going to do it when I find some more time for myself :)