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Text-To-Speech? But I use Linux! What about me......?

Posted: 01 May 2007, 22:06
by curious_sb
Text-To-Speech? But I use Linux! What about me......?

That's a good question, but you will be pleased to know that it *IS* possible.

PS - Windows Users, the original thread for windows people is here.

The package you need to install is called FESTIVAL, apparently there is also a GUI add-on for festival, called CARNIVAL, but I have not yet installed or configured it

Installation and configuration is made easy with Ubuntu 7.04 (feisty fawn):

1. Install Festival:

sudo apt-get install festival

put your password in, and agree to any prompts

2. Create a text file that you want the contents therein to be read out:

gedit godiva.story // open up gedit (graphical editor) with a new file called " godiva.story".

3. Put and paste the text from the forum (eg a long true / fictional story, I am using "go diva" as my story to do this...) then save and exit (remember where you saved it) for instance you could create a folder in root called /boundanna_stories. For the purposes of this FAQ article, I will save to a file called /boundanna_stories/godiva.story.

4. Get Festival to speak the text inside of "hello.txt" by piping the data into festival (at a terminal / commandline), type:

cat /boundanna_stories/godiva.story | festival --tts

Just in case ( like me, but I blame the font....) you can't quite read what I just typed it is:

"cat godiva.story", a SPACE, a PIPE symbol, a SPACE, "festival", a SPACE, MINUS MINUS "tts".

Don't worry if you didn't understand this, you probably don't use Linux, let it go....move on... if you do use Linux and you STILL didn't understand it, PM me for more help.


Boundanna, its moderators, and members, do not take any responsibility for damage to computer systems, loss of data, or any other losses or damages incurred as a result of following this HOWTO. The article above refers to Ubuntu, an open source operating system based on Debian, with the GNOME desktop. Although I (the author) am willing to help, I may not know all the answers, especially if you use a different distribution, but the offer is there and I will do my best to get you up and running. But like I said you take my advice at your own risk and if it breaks, you are on your own. Sorry!